
This is not an active blog. Comments are welcomed and will be responded to, but there will be no new posts. Original posts began on November 11, 2011 and ended on March 25, 2012. There were 23 original posts, but all the current content has been updated and was posted on 6/7/2013. For a more social and interactive experience, please visit: etoithomas.com.

Friday, June 7, 2013


The first thing you need to know about Eternal Curse: Battleground is that with time everything changes. In this follow up to, Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel, none of the characters are quite themselves; at least not the versions of themselves you met in the first book. Like the title suggests, EC: Battleground isn't nearly as calm and mysterious as the first book. No one is wandering around trying to figure out just what is really happening. In this story, the characters are just trying to cope, deal with, and survive the harsh reality that everyone is now painfully aware of. Since my characters are left in a perpetual cycle of survival, I felt it would only be decent to provide my readers and fans with a survival guide, to help them traverse through the battleground and make it out alive to see what comes next.

In the following weeks, I hope to provide explanations, enlightenments, and enticements to all my readers. I hope to add new information each week, until I feel I've given all that I can, without giving away the story. See you all around the battleground. 

Helpful Tips for Understanding this Story and Guide: Part 1

There are many more characters actively involved in the action of the second book than there were in the first book. Throughout this guide, I may refer to these characters using a plethora of generalizations and labels. For a more clear understanding of what I may be talking about, I’m clarifying my terminology beginning with character status.

Character Status: indicates the amount of time or text that a particular character takes up or their level of importance to the story. A main character will appear in some form or fashion throughout the entirety of the story and is critical to the overall development of the story. A support character is present throughout most of text and story, but not all of it. A few of these characters will even seem to barely come and go throughout the pages of the text, but their influence is essential to the development of either the entire story or a specific character. Minor characters are just that, but not when it comes to their importance. These characters exist only for very specific incidents within the story. I don’t spend too much time developing these characters, but bring them into the action at times when they are most needed. Finally I have what I call mentions. Mentions are characters that barely exist. They could simply be a name mentioned in a dialog or someone briefly encountered on the battlefield. Though mentions take up little time and text, and aren't necessarily essential to story development, they do leave a lasting impression on the overall story. 

Content Copyright

Eternal Curse: Battleground copyright 2012 Toinette Thomas