
This is not an active blog. Comments are welcomed and will be responded to, but there will be no new posts. Original posts began on November 11, 2011 and ended on March 25, 2012. There were 23 original posts, but all the current content has been updated and was posted on 6/7/2013. For a more social and interactive experience, please visit: etoithomas.com.

Friday, June 7, 2013

What's Next?

The story of the Eternal Curse isn't over yet. There is more to tell. Up to this point the Eternal Curse has been concentrated on the activities of G/B and the half-breeds, but now it’s time to follow the curse all the way back to the beginning, before the creation of humanity. In the next installment of the series, Bletsian and Ester are called forth to save humanity, but realize that this task is beyond their power. It is up to them to reach out to the angels in heaven in hopes that they will hear their earthly plea. In the meantime, Bletsian will be taken on a journey back through time to learn and see just how all this curse began and what is truly in store for the future of humanity.

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Eternal Curse: Battleground copyright 2012 Toinette Thomas