
This is not an active blog. Comments are welcomed and will be responded to, but there will be no new posts. Original posts began on November 11, 2011 and ended on March 25, 2012. There were 23 original posts, but all the current content has been updated and was posted on 6/7/2013. For a more social and interactive experience, please visit: etoithomas.com.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Timelines are important for many reasons. In a story that leaps back and forth through time, the reader may have to read the story several times just to get a clear understanding of the chronology of the events...Just kidding. It’s really not that complicated. While, I personally enjoy, reading a good book more than once, much like watching a good movie, to see what other little tidbits I can discover, sometimes it’s nice to have a source to answers some of the questions you might have, even if you don’t have any. In my first blog, I included timelines for Mira and G/B; and though their stories continue, I have not included their continuations. I do have to leave you, the reader, something to look forward to when reading this story for the first time. For that reason, I’ve only listed a few timelines to help open up the understanding of the story’s chronology, without giving too much of the plot away.

G/B refers to the character known as either Giovanni or Bletsian, B.H. refers to time before humanity

Birth Years for Battleground Characters

-Winslow created
-Marcos created
B.C. to A.D.
-1570 Felix born
-1590 Iris born

-1720 Ester born
-1740 Ivor born
-1760 G/B born
-1770 Marcos posses 
-1800 El Juanito Oscuro Sr. born
-1865 Fred and Jericho are born

-1965 Sheldon born
-1980 Mira born

-2002 Jack born
-2004 Lilly born
-2025 El Juanito  
  Oscuro IV born
-2044 Michael born
-2048 Tori born
Leap in time

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Eternal Curse: Battleground copyright 2012 Toinette Thomas